Whenever you’re dealing with HTTP, failed requests are an inevitable fact of reality that need to be dealt with. In web development, a status 200 indicates a good response. However, we don’t always get a 200, and this guide will help you understand how to handle these non-200 status codes.
According to Mozilla, status codes can be broken down into the following categories:
- 100-199: Informational Responses
- 200-299: Successful Responses
- 300-399: Redirection Messages
- 400-499: Client Error Messages
- 500-599: Server Error Messages
What Are Status Codes?
Error codes are important. When building client side programs like web scrapers, we primarily need to focus on status codes in the 400+ and 500+ range. Codes in the 400s generally cover errors on the client side such as authentication issues, rate limiting, timeouts, and the infamous 404: File Not Found error. In the 500s, we’re generally looking at server issues.
For decades, Mozilla has been documenting web development standards from the W3C and IETF. Below is a list of common error codes you might encounter. This list is non-exhaustive. These errors come from Mozilla’s official documentation. Depending on your target site, your codes might differ slightly but the logic should remain the same.
Status Code | Meaning | Description |
400 | Bad Request | Check your request format |
401 | Unauthorized | Check your API key |
403 | Forbidden | You cannot access this data |
404 | Not Found | Site/Endpoint doesn’t exist |
408 | Request Timeout | Request timed out, try again |
429 | Too Many Requests | Slow down your requests |
500 | Internal Server Error | Generic server error, retry request |
501 | Not Implemented | Server doesn’t support this yet |
502 | Bad Gateway | Failed response from an upstream server |
503 | Service Unavailable | Server is temporarily down, retry later |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Timed out waiting for an upstream server |
Retry Strategies
When implementing a retry mechanism, you can use pre-built libraries such as HTTPAdapter and Tenacity. Depending on your case, you might even want to write your own retry logic.
Typically, we want a retry limit and a strategy for backing off. We need a limit so we don’t get caught in an infinite loop of retries. We need back off little by little in order to respect the host server. When you’re requests come too fast, they get you blocked, or they overwhelm the server.
- Retry Limits: You need to set a limit. After X amount of retries, your scraper will give up.
- Backoff Algorithm: This one is relatively simple. You want to start with a small back off and increase it with each retry. We want to start with 0.3, then increase to 0.6, and 1.2 and so on and so forth.
We want to retry our requests up to a certain limit. After each failed request, we want to wait a little more time.
With HTTPAdapter, we need to configure three things: total
, backoff_factor
, and status_forcelist
. allowed_methods
isn’t really a requirement, but it does make our code safer by helping define our retry conditions. In the code below, we use httpbin to automatically force an error and trigger our retry logic.
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
#create a session
session = requests.Session()
#configure retry settings
retry = Retry(
total=3, #maximum retries
backoff_factor=0.3, #time between retries (exponential backoff)
status_forcelist=(429, 500, 502, 503, 504), #status codes to trigger a retry
allowed_methods={"GET", "POST"}
#mount the adapter with our custom settings
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
session.mount("http://", adapter)
session.mount("https://", adapter)
#actually make a request with our retry logic
print("Making a request with retry logic...")
response = session.get("https://httpbin.org/status/500")
print("✅ Request successful:", response.status_code)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("❌ Request failed after retries:", e)
Once we’ve created a Session
object, we do the following:
- Create a
object and define the following:total
: The maximum limit for retrying a request.backoff_factor
: Time to wait between retries. This adjusts exponentially as our retries increase.status_forcelist
: A list of bad status codes. Any codes in this list will automatically trigger a retry.
- Create an
object with ourretry
variable:adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
. - Once we’ve created the
, we mount it to the HTTP and HTTPS methods usingsession.mount()
When you run this code, our three retries (total=3
) will run and then you’ll get the following output.
Making a request with retry logic...
❌ Request failed after retries: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='httpbin.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /status/500 (Caused by ResponseError('too many 500 error responses'))
You can also use Tenacity, a popular open source retry library for Python. It’s not limited to HTTP, but it gives us an expressive, understandable way to implement retries.
First, you need to install it.
pip install tenacity
Once installed, we create a decorator and use it to wrap a requests function. With our @retry
decorator, we add the stop
, wait
, and retry
import requests
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential, retry_if_exception_type, RetryError
#define a retry strategy
stop=stop_after_attempt(3), #retry up to 3 times
wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=0.3), #exponential backoff
retry=retry_if_exception_type(requests.exceptions.RequestException), #retry on request failures
def make_request():
print("Making a request with retry logic...")
response = requests.get("https://httpbin.org/status/500")
print("✅ Request successful:", response.status_code)
return response
# Attempt to make the request
except RetryError as e:
print("❌ Request failed after all retries:", e)
The logic and settings here are very similar to our first example with HTTPAdapter.
: This tellstenacity
to give up after 3 failed retries.wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=0.3)
uses the same wait that we used before. It also backs off exponentially, just like before.retry=retry_if_exception_type(requests.exceptions.RequestException)
to use this logic every time aRequestException
makes a request to our error endpoint. It receives all of the traits from the decorator we created above it.
When you run this code, you get a similar output.
Making a request with retry logic...
Making a request with retry logic...
Making a request with retry logic...
❌ Request failed after all retries: RetryError[<Future at 0x75e762970760 state=finished raised HTTPError>]
Build Your Own Retry Mechanism
You can also build your own retry mechanism. When dealing with custom code, this can often be the best approach. With a relatively small amount of code, we can achieve the same effect that we get from these libraries.
In the code below, we need to import sleep
for our exponential backoff. We once again set our configuration: total
, backoff_factor
and bad_codes
. We then use a while
loop to hold our retry logic. while
we still have tries and we haven’t succeeded, we attempt the request.
import requests
from time import sleep
#create a session
session = requests.Session()
#define our retry settings
total = 3
backoff_factor = 0.3
bad_codes = [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]
#try counter and success boolean
current_tries = 0
success = False
#attempt until we succeed or run out of tries
while current_tries < total and not success:
print("Making a request with retry logic...")
response = session.get("https://httpbin.org/status/500")
if response.status_code in bad_codes:
raise requests.exceptions.HTTPError(f"Received {response.status_code}, triggering retry")
print("✅ Request successful:", response.status_code)
success = True
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"❌ Request failed: {e}, retries left: {total-current_tries}")
backoff_factor = backoff_factor * 2
The actual logic here is handled by a simple while
- If
is in our list ofbad_codes
, we throw an exception. - If a request fails, we:
- Print an error message to the console.
waits before sending the next request.backoff_factor = backoff_factor * 2
doubles ourbackoff_factor
for the next try.- We increment
so we don’t stay in the loop indefinitely.
Here’s the output from our custom retry logic.
Making a request with retry logic...
❌ Request failed: Received 500, triggering retry, retries left: 3
Making a request with retry logic...
❌ Request failed: Received 500, triggering retry, retries left: 2
Making a request with retry logic...
❌ Request failed: Received 500, triggering retry, retries left: 1
Getting Past Blocks
In the wild, some sites are going to block you. It’s best practice to always use a proxy with Python requests. With a proxy, your request gets routed through a different machine. This will protect your identity and prevent your IP address from getting blocked by your target site. We even have a detailed guide on getting past IP blocks. Our residential proxies are built to get you past these challenges.
Now you know how to handle failed HTTP requests in Python. Whether you’re writing a scraper, an API client, or automation tools, you know how to handle these issues. To avoid all kinds of failed requests, we’ve developed products like the Web Unlocker API and Scraping Browser. These tools automatically handle anti-bot measures, CAPTCHA challenges, and IP blocks, ensuring seamless and efficient web scraping for even the most challenging websites.
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