Go vs. Python

Go vs Python guide. Go and Python are both very popular web scrpaing languages. In this comparison, we’ll provide guidance as to which scenarios are best suited for what language.
9 min read
Go vs Python

The programming languages Go and Python are both popular web scraping languages thanks to their numerous unique advantages. For instance, Go’s performance efficiency, strong concurrency support, and robust standard library make it ideal for scraping tasks that require high speed and handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

In contrast, Python’s ease of use, extensive ecosystem of libraries, and large community support make it ideal for quick prototyping and for web scraping beginners.

Whether you prioritize performance and scalability or ease of use and community support, both languages provide reliable and effective tools for web scraping tasks.

In this article, you’ll compare Go and Python for web scraping. You’ll look specifically at their performance, ability to handle complex websites and scenarios, and the libraries available in each language.

What Is Go

Go is statically typed and compiled, providing the performance advantages of compiled languages. It also features type inference and a streamlined syntax, which aims to offer a programming experience closer to that of dynamically typed languages.

Go is great for web scraping when you need high performance and scalability, ensuring you get your data quickly. Go’s robust standard library facilitates web development, data manipulation, and networking—key components in web scraping operations.

Go has a strong community and corporate backing from Google. This ensures that it continues to evolve and improve. If you’re interested in web scraping using Go, read this Web Scraping with Go tutorial.

What Is Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It excels in web scraping due to its extensive standard library and dynamic typing. Moreover, its rich ecosystem of third-party libraries allows for efficient data extraction and manipulation.

While Python’s interpreted nature can compromise performance, its rapid prototyping often makes it a preferred choice for web scraping tasks. If you’re interested in learning more, read the Web Scraping with Python tutorial.

One of the greatest strengths of Python is its large and active community, which contributes to an ever-growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. This reduces the amount of code developers need to write from scratch.

Go vs. Python for Web Scraping Tasks

In the following comparison, Go and Python will be evaluated based on three criteria: performance, ability to handle complex websites/scenarios, and available libraries.

When it comes to performance, you’ll look at the speed and efficiency of each language in executing web scraping tasks, taking into account factors like compilation time and concurrency support.

Assessing their ability to handle complex websites and scenarios shows how well each language can navigate intricate website structures, manage cookies, and deal with AJAX requests or dynamically loaded content.

Finally, examining the availability and robustness of each language’s libraries focuses on how these prebuilt tools can aid in the web scraping process, making it easier, more efficient, and feature-rich.

Go vs Python



When it comes to performance, Go is particularly useful for web scraping tasks that require high speed and efficiency. It translates the source code to machine code ahead of time, which generally results in faster execution. In contrast, in an interpreted language like Python, the source code is translated on the fly during execution, which often results in slower performance.

Additionally, Go’s compiled nature makes it highly efficient in terms of CPU and memory usage. This feature allows Go to easily handle large-scale web scraping tasks. Another advantage of Go is its built-in support for concurrency through goroutines. This makes it efficient for tasks that involve making multiple network requests simultaneously—a common requirement in web scraping.

The concurrency model of Go is inspired by communicating sequential processes (CSP), enabling the management of multiple tasks without the complexity of traditional threading models. This is particularly useful when you’re scraping websites that have rate-limiting features or when you need to scrape data from multiple pages quickly.

Go’s standard library also offers packages for efficient network programming and data manipulation. For instance, the HTTP package is highly customizable and optimized for speed, which makes it easier to build fast and efficient web scrapers.

Ability to Handle Complex Websites/Scenarios

The advantages of Go in web scraping are not limited to its performance and concurrency features. Go’s standard library also includes comprehensive packages for handling HTTP requests, parsing HTML and XML, and managing cookies and sessions.

Additionally, the encoding/JSON package simplifies the process of encoding and decoding JSON data, a common requirement when interacting with modern web services. This makes it easier to navigate through intricate website structures, manage stateful interactions, and even deal with AJAX requests or dynamically loaded content. For instance, the net/http package provides a customizable HTTP client that can be used to manage cookies, set headers, and handle redirects. This gives the user a high degree of control over web interactions.

When it comes to handling complex scenarios, one of Go’s standout features is its built-in support for concurrency through goroutines. This is especially useful when dealing with websites that employ rate-limiting or require asynchronous interactions. The user can easily spawn multiple goroutines to perform tasks like simultaneously fetching multiple pages or waiting for certain elements to load. This makes Go efficient for scraping tasks that involve real-time data, multiple data sources, or complex navigation sequences.

Additionally, Go’s strong typing and error-handling mechanisms can be helpful when dealing with complex scraping scenarios, like scraping websites with AJAX-loaded content, which requires handling of asynchronous data loading. The language’s static type system can catch errors at compile-time, which reduces the likelihood of runtime errors when navigating complex websites.

Available Libraries

Go’s ecosystem is not as extensive as Python’s when it comes to web scraping, but it is growing steadily.

For HTML parsing, libraries like goquery and colly are popular choices. goquery is inspired by jQuery and lets you easily traverse and manipulate HTML documents. Meanwhile, the colly library is a powerful tool designed specifically for web scraping and crawling. It offers a clean API and a variety of features, including rate limiting, caching, and automatic handling of retries.

Another notable library is chromedp. It’s used for driving browsers using the Chrome DevTools Protocol and is especially useful for scraping websites that rely heavily on JavaScript to load or display content.

Beyond the commonly used net/httpcollygoquery, and chromedp, there’s also jaeles, which is geared toward security testing but can be adapted for intricate web scraping scenarios that require advanced probing or interaction.



While Go is known for its impressive execution speed, Python has its own unique performance advantages, especially when it comes to tasks that are I/O-bound rather than CPU-bound. For instance, in web scraping scenarios, you often spend more time waiting for network responses than performing CPU-intensive operations. In this scenario, the raw execution speed of the programming language becomes less important. Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can hinder performance in CPU-bound tasks, but it generally doesn’t pose a significant issue for I/O-bound activities like web scraping.

Python also offers several ways to improve performance, including multithreading and asynchronous programming. Its libraries allow for asynchronous I/O operations and enable the user to concurrently handle multiple network requests. This is especially useful for web scraping tasks that require fetching data from multiple pages or sources simultaneously.

Ability to Handle Complex Websites/Scenarios

Thanks to Python’s extensive ecosystem of specialized libraries and frameworks, it can handle complex web scraping scenarios. Its libraries make it easy to parse HTML and XML documents, navigate the DOM, and extract the required data.

Additionally, these libraries have built-in features for managing cookies, handling sessions, and processing AJAX requests, offering a streamlined experience. Python’s dynamic nature and ease of use also make it easier to adapt web scraping scripts to handle complex scenarios.

For instance, you can easily integrate Python scripts with web drivers like Selenium to interact with websites in a way that mimics human behavior, such as scrolling through pages, filling out forms, or even solving CAPTCHAs. This is especially valuable when dealing with websites that employ sophisticated techniques to deter automated access.

Available Libraries

Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that are specifically designed for web scraping. One of the most well-known libraries is Beautiful Soup, which provides Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying HTML or XML parse trees. It’s often used in conjunction with the Requests library, which is a simple yet powerful HTTP library for sending HTTP requests and handling responses.

Scrapy is another comprehensive web scraping framework that provides all the tools you need to extract data from websites and process it. It offers features like cookie handling, user-agent spoofing, and redirect handling, making it a robust choice for more complex scraping tasks. Scrapy also allows for parallel requests, significantly speeding up the data extraction process.

For those looking for a lightweight alternative to Selenium, MechanicalSoup automates website navigation and form filling without requiring a headless browser. The package is particularly useful for web scraping tasks that do not involve client-side JavaScript execution, which makes it a faster and less resource-intensive option.

Pyppeteer is another library for controlling headless browsers, offering a Python port of the popular JavaScript library Puppeteer.

In addition to these, Python has specialized libraries for parsing and manipulating data, like lxml for XML and HTML parsing, and pandas for data manipulation and analysis.


Both Go and Python offer distinctive advantages for web scraping. Go is a good choice for tasks that require high performance, efficiency, and the ability to handle multiple tasks concurrently. Its compiled nature and robust standard library make it well-suited for large-scale, high-speed web scraping tasks.

In comparison, Python is easy to use, thanks to its extensive range of specialized libraries and frameworks. Python is especially well-suited for quick prototyping and complex scraping scenarios. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, both languages offer reliable and effective tools for web scraping.

No matter which language you choose for your web scraping needs, Bright Data offers a variety of unblocking solutions and proxies that can help. These solutions help you navigate around common roadblocks like CAPTCHAs, IP bans, and rate limitations, ensuring that your web scraping tasks run smoothly and efficiently. With Bright Data’s robust offerings, you can focus on extracting the data you need, regardless of the language you’re using.

Talk to one of our data experts about our scraping solutions.