Playwright proxy integration

Playwright Proxy Integration

Watch our step by step video on how to integrate Bright Data proxies with Playwright

New Bright Data product: Scraping Browser

Playwright Compatible
Easily make an API call to fetch any number of browser sessions and interact with them using Puppeteer (Python), Playwright (Node.js), or Selenium over a CDP protocol. Ideal for scraping projects that require website interactions to retrieve data, like hovering over a page, clicking buttons, scrolling, adding text, etc.

To learn more about Scraping Brower

Playwright proxy integration with Bright Data

  • Begin by going to your Bright Data Dashboard and clicking ‘create a Zone’.
  • Choose ‘Network type’ and click save.
  • Within Playwright fill in the ‘Proxy IP:Port’ in the ‘proxy-server’ value, for example
  • Under ‘page.authenticate’ input your Bright Data account ID and proxy Zone name in the ‘username’ value, for example: brd-customer-CUSTOMER-zone-YOURZONE and your Zone password found in the Zone settings.
  • For example:
      const playwright = require('playwright');

const options = {

proxy: {

server: '',

username: 'brd-customer-[customer_ID]-zone-[zone_name]',

password: '[zone_password]'



(async () => {

const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(options);

const page = await browser.newPage();

await page.goto('');

const content = await page.content();


await browser.close();


Proxy Manager and Playwright Integration

  • Create a Zone with the network, IP type, and number of IPs you wish to use.
  • Install the Proxy Manager.
  • Click ‘add new proxy’ and choose the Zone and settings you require, click ‘save’.
  • In Playwright, under the ‘server’, input your local IP and Proxy Manager port (i.e.
    • The local host IP is
    • The port created in the Proxy Manager is 24XXX. For example, 24000
  • For example:
      const playwright = require('playwright');

const options = {

proxy: {

server: ''



(async () => {

const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(options);

const page = await browser.newPage();

await page.goto('');

const content = await page.content();


await browser.close();


Get proxies for Playwright

proxy badges

Powered by an award-winning proxy infrastructure

Over 72 million residential IPs, best-in-class technology and the ability to target any country, city, ZIP Code, carrier, & ASN make our premium proxy services a top choice for developers.

About Bright Data proxies

Residential Proxies

  • 72,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • The largest rotating real-peer IP network
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

Datacenter Proxies

  • 770,000+ IPs
  • Available in 98 countries
  • Shared and dedicated IP pools available
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

ISP Proxies

  • 700,000+ IPs
  • Available in 35 countries
  • Real static residential IPs without IP rotation
  • Best for logging into multiple accounts

Mobile Proxies

  • 7,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • Largest real-peer 3G/4G IP network
  • Verify mobile ads & crawl mobile sites

Proxy Network Pricing

Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Residential proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Mobile proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
ISP proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Datacenter proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
For industry leaders: elite data services for top-tier business requirements
Contact us
  • Account Manager
  • Custom packages
  • Premium SLA
  • Priority support
  • Tailored onboarding
  • SSO
  • Customizations
  • Audit Logs

The category leader in proxies and data collection

Category leader in proxies

650TB of public data collected every day

Number of ISP proxies

New feature releases every day

Serving 7/10 universities

Serving 7/10 of the world’s leading universities

Trust pilot ratings
4.5/5 Trustpilot rating

Ready to get Playwright proxies?