Insomniac proxy integration

Insomniac Proxy Integration

What is Insomniac?

Insomniac is an online purchasing tool allowing you to hide your digital footprint through its multi-session browser. Insomniac browser allows you to apply one proxy per tab and hide your online footprint by applying a different IP address for every tab you open.

How to setup Insomniac with Bright Data proxies:

Set-up for Insomniac browser

  • Download and install the Insomniac browser
  • Open Insomniac browser
  • Click on Insomniac Proxy Per TabManage Proxy List
  • In the extension, click the Add a Single Proxy tab

Integrating Insomniac with Bright Data Proxies

  • Go to your Bright Data Dashboard and click Create a Zone
  • Choose your Network Type
  • Click Save
  • In Insomniac Proxy Per Tab click on the Add single Proxy tab and copy your proxy details:
    • Host name:
    • Port: 22225
    • Username: enter your Bright Data Zone username
  • Copy the Bright Data Zone password (found in the Zone settings) to the password field in Insomniac
  • Click Add proxy
  • In the Proxy Per Tab extension, select Rotate through the proxy in order
  • This particular selection will automatically select a proxy port for each tab in linear order versus random order
Proxy extension settings with rotation method menu.

Integrating Multiple Proxy Manager ports with Insomniac

  • Download Proxy Manager
  • Click Add new Proxy to create a new port
  • Select the new port (24XXX)
  • Go to the General tab in the port settings
  • In the Multiply proxy port field select the number of proxy ports to create. This will create multiple proxy ports with the same settings
  • Your Spreadsheet Contains the following columns:
    • Custom Name: Add a name for each proxy
    • Host:
    • Port: 24XXX
    • Username, Password, and Tags: leave EMPTY(the Proxy Manager has already been authenticated with the Super Proxy)
  • Save the file as a CSV and not as an XLS or XLSX
  • In Insomniac Proxy per tab extension select Manage Proxy list, and select Add bulk proxies
  • Select Import proxy list and upload the CSV file

Get proxies for Insomniac

About Bright Data proxies

Residential Proxies

  • 72,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • The largest rotating real-peer IP network
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

Datacenter Proxies

  • 770,000+ IPs
  • Available in 98 countries
  • Shared and dedicated IP pools available
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

ISP Proxies

  • 700,000+ IPs
  • Available in 35 countries
  • Real static residential IPs without IP rotation
  • Best for logging into multiple accounts

Mobile Proxies

  • 7,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • Largest real-peer 3G/4G IP network
  • Verify mobile ads & crawl mobile sites

The category leader in proxies and data collection

Category leader in proxies

650TB of public data collected every day

Number of ISP proxies

New feature releases every day

Serving 7/10 universities

Serving 7/10 of the world’s leading universities

Trust pilot ratings
4.5/5 Trustpilot rating

Ready to get started?