Beverly Taylor
Director of Merchandising at Kingston Brass, Inc.
With Bright Data’s solution, we have gained unique and comprehensive insights into our market space, products, competition, and trends in consumer behavior.
Powerful omnichannel solutions driven by online data – Canopy, Advantage Solutions
Using Bright Data’s Residential IPs, Data Center IPs and the Bright Data Web Unlocker, Canopy is able to provide its customers with a one-stop-shop to access all of the information they need and give them a better understanding of their retail and e-commerce landscapes.
Seamless Digital Automations
Using IDE, Seamless Digital Automations is able to allowed the software company to build a custom public web scraper to automatically manage the task as well as website changes as the project of Thysennkrupp progresses.
Workplace diversity facilitated by online data – Mathison
With the Bright Web Scraper IDE, Mathison is able to outsource its data collection efforts so it can focus its time and resources on its ultimate business goal – advancing intersectional diversity within the workplace.
Addressing brand protection from every angle – Red Points
Bright Data’s Web Unlocker solution allowed Red Points to easily expand its offering to more customers and improve the quality of service to existing customers. It also allowed Red Points to re-allocate its workforce from debugging and unblocking tasks to other activities, saving the company great resources.
Alternative travel solutions enabled by online data – Railofy
With Bright Data’s Data Center IPs, Residential IPs and Proxy Manager, and the public online data it’s now able to collect, Railofy is able to get an all-round view of India’s railway network, foresee congestion levels, and set effective pricing systems.
Taking control of the digital shelf with public online data – Detail Online
With the use of the Bright Data Web Unlocker, Detail Online are able to gain access to the public online data they need to provide their customers with detailed daily reports about how their products are being presented in the e-commerce landscape.
Data-driven products for smarter shopping solutions – Shoptagr
By using Bright Data’s Web Unlocker, Shoptagr is able to take advantage of Bright Data’s stable network, and get access to the public data they need, with barely any downtime. They are also building a crowdsourcing platform to collect all of the items their users are searching for, and give all users access to them.
Managing Campaigns through a Marketing Engagement Platform
By working with Bright Data’s Residential Network, the Bright Data Proxy Manager and their personal account manager this company was able to save coding time and focus on their own product development. Utilizing rules within the Bright Data Proxy Manager they can now use less bandwidth and save money on proxy expenses while still gathering all data they require.
Retailer Promotion on an International Scale
By using Bright Data’s ISP (Static residential) IPs this company is able to create and manage accounts on any platform regardless of their company or customers’ geolocations. The entire company can easily use Bright Data using the Proxy Browser Extension allowing all members of their team to access their IPs and assist their customers.
Tokenized SaaS solutions for businesses
With Bright Data’s simple integration this firm was able to easily incorporate their customers into Bright Data’s interface easily. Now their customers can collect public sensitive data securely without getting blocked or misled. Thanks to Bright Data’s Proxy Network they are now able to offer the most secure and encrypted customer data across the globe.