
Yahoo Finance Datasets

Make informed decisions about your financial operations
and overall business strategy

  • Over 564K records available
  • Accurate Yahoo Finance data that you can trust
  • Free Yahoo Finance data samples for download in JSON or CSV
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Yahoo Finance dataset

Yahoo Finance dataset sample

Yahoo Finance dataset attributes include:  company name, company ID, entity type, summary, stock ticker, currency, earnings, exchange, closing price, previous close, open, bid, ask, day range, week range, volume, and much more.

Freshly Scraped Datasets

Subscribe to a data feed for new or updated records

Comprehensive Data Validation

Benefit from strict data validation for accuracy and reliability

Managed Data Collection

Enjoy data collection management with zero effort

Seamless API Integration

Streamline operations with easy data access via API

Datasets Pricing

Complete Dataset
Refresh rate
  • Clean and validated
  • Refreshed monthly
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

Yahoo Finance datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Scalable data

Scale without worrying about infra, proxy servers, or blocks.

Code maintenance

Datasets are maintained based on website structure changes.

Cost savings

Customize any dataset using filters and formatting options.

Data subscription

Get new or updated records delivered in a fresh data feed.

Flexible delivery

API, Webhook, Google Cloud, S3 bucket, SFTP, Azure, Snowflake.

File output formats

Dataset formats are JSON, ndJSON, CSV, or Excel.

24/7 support

A dedicated team of data professionals is here to help.

Simplified integrations

Benefit from integrations with Snowflake and AWS.

Leaders in compliance

Data is ethically obtained and compliant with all privacy laws.

Get structured and reliable Yahoo Finance data

We’ll provide the data while you focus on the rest

High-volume web data

With our unblocking capabilities and round-the-clock IP rotation we ensure access to all data points on a website.

Data for immediate use

Every aspect of the data collection process is thoroughly validated as part of our robust data validation process.

Automated data flow

Create custom schedules to automate data delivery and watch the data flow seamlessly into your storage.

How companies use Yahoo Finance datasets

Business intelligence

Ensure your portfolios are managed efficiently by tracking performance, updating positions, and adjusting risk levels. Using Yahoo Finance datasets, you can analyze market trends and gauge the performance of your existing investments.
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Yahoo finance Portfolio management dataset

Trading strategies

Identify potential investment opportunities and minimize risk by analyzing Yahoo Finance datasets. By identifying market trends and patterns, make better decisions about where to invest or with whom to do business.
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Trading strategies yahoo finance dataset

Market analysis

Research stocks, bonds, ETFs, and other financial instruments by analyzing a Yahoo finance dataset. Find promising business partnership opportunities, compare industry performance, and manage risks associated with certain investments.
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Yahoo finance dataset for market research

Yahoo Finance Dataset FAQs

The Yahoo Finance dataset includes 41 different data points. Data points include: company name, company ID, entity type, summary, stock ticker, currency, earnings, exchange, closing price, previous close, open, bid, ask, day range, week range, volume, and much more.

Yes, you can get updates to your Yahoo Finance dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Yes, you can purchase a Yahoo Finance subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

You can choose one of the following formats: JSON, ndJSON, CSV, or XLSX.

If you don’t want to purchase a dataset, you can start scraping Yahoo Finance data using our Yahoo Finance scraper.

Get your Yahoo Finance dataset today.