Kameleo proxy integration

Kameleo Proxy Integration

What is Kameleo?

Kameleo enables stealth browsing so that you can surf the web anonymously. Instead of just using your run-of-the-mill anti-detect logic, it has a full suite of tools that help you fully automate tasks. These capabilities are powered by Kameleo’s proprietary API, as well as Selenium Stealth WebDriver. It is this that empowers you to create multiple accounts while simultaneously automating tasks while maintaining anonymity.

Residential, and Mobile Proxy Networks lie at the core of these tools’ capabilities. The following step-by-step guide will show you how to seamlessly integrate Bright Data’s proxy networks with Kameleo.

How to setup Kameleo with Bright Data proxies:

Register to BD

Registration on Bright Data:

  • Sign up to Bright Data.
  • Verify your email address to activate your account.
ADd zone

Zone Configuration:

Navigate to the “Proxy & Scraping Infrastructure” section and Add a new designated Zone for your proxy usage.

choose proxy type

Choose proxy type:

In this guide, we will show setup for ISP proxies.

Choose IP type

IP type and location selection:

Name Your Proxy Zone and Select the Ideal IP Type. Options include Shared IPs with pay-per-usage, Dedicated IPs, and Premium IPs for optimal performance. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Fill in the number of IPs you need.

Geolocation targeting:

Choose your desired country and city for the IP location.

Domain type:

Specific domains or use ‘All domains’ for one IP to target websites using the same IP.

click add for zone creation

Click the "Add" button to create the Zone.

Accessing Proxy Details:

Click on the name of your Zone, navigate to the “Access Parameters” tab, and note down the proxy credentials:

  • host
  • port
  • username
  • password
download kameleo

Download and Install Kameleo:

Start by downloading Kameleo onto your Windows device. Once downloaded, proceed with the installation and log in.

create new kameleo profile

Create a new profile:

In Kameleo, click on the ‘New Profile +’ option located in the left navigation panel.

Select your profile preferences:

Choose a profile that matches your preferred device type, operating system, browser, and language settings.

Configure connection settings

Scroll to the ‘Connection’ section and select ‘HTTP’ as your connection type.

Enter Proxy Details:

  • Hostname: Input ‘brd.superproxy.io’.
  • Port: Enter ‘22225’.
enable authentication

Enable authentication:

Toggle on the ‘Authentication’ option to enable it.

Input credentials:

Enter the username and password you obtained from Bright Data.

Test the proxy connection:

Click the ‘Test Proxy’ button to ensure the setup is working correctly.

Confirm connection success:

A test popup will appear, displaying tick marks to indicate a successful connection to the server.

Apply settings:

Close the test popup and click ‘OK’ to apply your proxy settings.

Start browsing:

Finally, click the ‘Start’ button to begin browsing with your chosen proxy and browser settings.

Get proxies for Kameleo

Proxy badges

Работает на базе отмеченной наградами прокси-сети

С более чем 72 миллионами жилых IP-адресов, лучшая в своем классе технология и таргетинг на любую страну, город, оператора и ASN – сделали наши премиальные прокси-сервисы лучшим выбором для разработчиков

Типы прокси для любых задач

Резидентные прокси

  • 72+ млн IP-адресов
  • Доступны в 195 странах
  • Крупнейшая вращающаяся реальная IP-сеть
  • Доступ и сканирование всех сложных сайтов

Серверные прокси

  • 1 600 000+ IP-адресов
  • Доступны в 98 странах
  • Общие и выделенные пулы IP-адресов
  • Быстрый доступ к несложным веб-сайтам

ISP прокси

  • 700+ тыс IP-адресов
  • Доступны в 35 странах
  • Реальные статические резидентные IP-адреса без ротации
  • Лучший вариант для входа в несколько учетных записей

Мобильные прокси

  • 7+ млн IP-адресов
  • Доступны в 195 странах
  • Крупнейшая в мире IP-сеть 3G/4G с реальными одноранговыми узлами
  • Проверка мобильной рекламы и сканирование мобильных сайтов

Лидер категории прокси и сбора данных

Category leader in proxies

Каждый день собирается 650ТБ общедоступных данных.

Number of ISP proxies

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На службе у 7/10 ведущих университетов мира

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Ready to get started?