AdsPower proxy integration

AdsPower Proxy Integration

What is AdsPower?

Introducing AdsPower: the ultimate antidetect browser with multi-account management. It revolutionizes the way you browse and automate tasks, offering virtual browser profiles that mimic genuine devices with unique fingerprints. With AdsPower, you can streamline business workflows, enhance productivity, and ensure data security through encrypted transmission and servers.

AdsPower unlocks new possibilities across various industries. Whether you’re in affiliate marketing, agencies, crypto, or e-commerce, AdsPower empowers you to maximize your potential.It enables you to run unlimited ad accounts, securely manage multiple client accounts, break free from physical infrastructure limitations, and boost your sales across multiple channels. With AdsPower, you have the ultimate solution to propel your business forward. Experience its unrivaled capabilities and unlock new levels of success.

Unlock New Possibilities with Bright Data Proxies and AdsPower

Tap into the unlimited potential of AdsPower combined with Bright Data proxies. Experience a world of possibilities and take your browsing experience to new heights.

  • Access the world’s largest proxy pool with 72+ million IPs, including datacenter, residential, mobile, and web unlocker proxies.
  • Real-time visibility into traffic with live previews.
  • Harness the power of logs and statistics for comprehensive insights.
  • Optimize bandwidth and reduce costs with traffic splitting rules.
  • Ensure reliable data retrieval with automatic request retries.
  • Effortlessly overcome captchas and adapt to markup changes.
  • Customize headers and SSL fingerprints with ease.
  • Enjoy the benefits of IP rotation and session management for enhanced anonymity.
  • Seamlessly integrate with existing workflows through the user-friendly API.

Together, AdsPower and Bright Data Proxies create a formidable combination that amplifies your capabilities, providing you with unparalleled control and flexibility in navigating the ever-changing online landscape.

AdsPower Proxy Integration

Steps to integrate Bright Data Proxies with AdsPower

Website interface showing proxies and scraping infrastructure options.

Create a Zone in Bright Data:

To begin integrating AdsPower with Bright Data, it is recommended to create an ISP zone with a dedicated IP. Make sure to include your targeted domains or select the “All domains” setting to target multiple sites using the same IP.

Example zone setting

Example Zone Setting:

Create a designated Zone for your proxy usage.

Proxy settings with host, username, and password fields highlighted.

Obtain Access Parameters:

Open the Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure in Bright Data, select the zone you have created, and choose access parameters. Keep the browser tab open as you will need these credentials in the coming steps.

AdsPower download options for macOS and Windows.

Download AdsPower:

Download and install the latest version of AdsPower for your operating system by clicking here.

Login to Your AdsPower Account:

Sign in to your AdsPower account using your login credentials.

AdsPower profile creation interface with highlighted fields.

Create a New Profile:

Click on the “+ New profile” button and Name the profile.

Browser profile proxy settings configuration screen.

Select Bright Data Proxies:

Scroll down to the Proxy section. Select “custom”, from the Proxy type dropdown menu and choose either Luminati or Lumauto for rotating proxies.

AdsPower new browser profile proxy settings page.

Configure Proxy Protocol:

Under the protocol settings, select HTTP.

Proxy settings screen in AdsPower browser profile.

Set Proxy Server and Port:

For Bright Data proxies, set the server to and the port to 22225

Proxy settings configuration screen with Luminati proxy selected.

(Optional) Set your Proxy Manager Server and Port

When using Proxy Manager you can set the Host to: and port to: 24XXX according to the existing ports on your Proxy Manager.

Proxy configuration settings with access parameters section.

Copy Proxy Username and Password:

Go to Bright Data’s “Proxies & Scraping Infra” and select the proxy zone you are using. Click on the “Access parameter” option and copy the provided Username and Password.

AdsPower new browser profile setup page.

Paste Proxy Credentials in AdsPower:

Return to AdsPower and paste the copied Username and Password into the corresponding fields.

AdsPower settings interface highlighting proxy settings and OK button.

Check Proxy and Save Browser Profile:

Click on the “check proxy” button and ensure that you see a “Connection test passed” message. Click OK to save the browser profile.

Adspower application open with IP address details displayed.

Start Browsing:

To use the proxy, click on the open button, and you will see a browser opening up with your preferred settings and the configured proxy.

Verify Proxy Usage:

To confirm the use of your Bright Data proxy, refer to the Event Log section in your Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure dashboard.


Integrating Bright Data proxies with AdsPower enables you to leverage the powerful capabilities of both platforms, unlocking new levels of productivity, security, and control in your online activities. By following these straightforward steps, you can create a formidable toolset that provides an unrivaled browsing experience. Whether you’re managing multiple ad accounts, overcoming captchas, or ensuring reliable data retrieval, this powerful combination ensures that you’re well-equipped to navigate the constantly evolving digital landscape. Harness the synergy of Bright Data proxies and AdsPower today, and elevate your business to new heights.

Get proxies for AdsPower

About Bright Data proxies

Residential Proxies

  • 72,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • The largest rotating real-peer IP network
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

Datacenter Proxies

  • 770,000+ IPs
  • Available in 98 countries
  • Shared and dedicated IP pools available
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

ISP Proxies

  • 700,000+ IPs
  • Available in 35 countries
  • Real static residential IPs without IP rotation
  • Best for logging into multiple accounts

Mobile Proxies

  • 7,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • Largest real-peer 3G/4G IP network
  • Verify mobile ads & crawl mobile sites

Proxy Network Pricing

Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Residential proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Residential proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Mobile proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Mobile proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
ISP proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
ISP proxies
Pay annually
Pay as you go
No commitment
Ideal for low-volume, flexible proxy needs.
Start now
Datacenter proxies
$499 /mo
Perfect for small businesses with moderate usage.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
$999 /mo
Suited for larger operations with extensive requirements.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
$1999 /mo
Best for enterprises with large-scale operations.
Start free trial
Datacenter proxies
Pay annually
For industry leaders: elite data services for top-tier business requirements
Contact us
  • Account Manager
  • Custom packages
  • Premium SLA
  • Priority support
  • Tailored onboarding
  • SSO
  • Customizations
  • Audit Logs

The category leader in proxies and data collection

Category leader in proxies

650TB of public data collected every day

Number of ISP proxies

New feature releases every day

Serving 7/10 universities

Serving 7/10 of the world’s leading universities

Trust pilot ratings
4.5/5 Trustpilot rating

Ready to get started?