How to Find a Proxy Server Address?

Learn how to find your proxy server address to enhance privacy, security, and web access efficiency.
7 min read
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As we increasingly rely on the internet for both professional and personal uses, the importance of navigating it efficiently and securely cannot be overstated. This growing need for enhanced privacy and accessibility has made using proxy servers an excellent strategy for tech enthusiasts.

So, here, we will cover what a proxy server is, the types of proxy servers, and how to find the proxy server address in detail.

Proxy Servers

A proxy server enhances your privacy and anonymity when accessing the Internet by acting as an intermediary between your computer and the ISP (Internet Service Provider). When you try to access a website, your request is first conveyed to the proxy server. Then, the proxy server forwards your request to the website, retrieves the website’s data, and sends it back to you.

How proxy servers work

This mechanism helps mask your IP address, provides anonymity, and bypasses geographical restrictions. Thus, using a proxy server benefits with its added security and contributes to efficient web scraping. It can also be a massive asset in corporate environments to conduct secure and private communications across networks.

Types of Proxy Servers

There are multiple types of proxy servers, each performing its own functionalities:

  1. HTTP Proxy: HTTP is the most commonly seen proxy server used to access websites using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The HTTP proxy interprets network traffic between the web and a user, allowing for functionalities like web page caching and request filtering. In addition, there are several other use cases, such as monitoring traffic, keeping logs, and restricting access to specific resources.
  2. HTTPS Proxy: An HTTPS proxy is the same as an HTTP proxy but has an added layer of security designed to secure encrypted connections using SSL. This is a type of proxy you may need to consider when sharing sensitive and confidential information, such as credentials and credit card details, for secure online transactions.
  3. SOCKS Proxy: SOCKS is an advanced data transfer protocol capable of handling various Internet traffic, including emails and FTP transfers. It is an ideal option for use cases where traffic needs to be routed through a proxy server without data interpretation or filtering.
  4. Transparent Proxy: Transparent proxies are not configured by the user’s end and are often used by organizations for content filtering and caching to improve loading times.
  5. Residential Proxy: Residential proxy uses real IP addresses attached to physical locations. It provides an excellent level of anonymity and proves specifically helpful when accessing geo-restricted content, web data scraping, and market price monitoring.

Each of these proxy server types functions to fulfil specific use cases. Therefore, the choice depends on the context where it is being used and the specific requirements for using a proxy server.

Advantages of Using Proxy Server Address

  • Enhanced Privacy: One of the primary benefits and purposes of using a proxy server is its enhanced privacy. By routing your internet traffic via a proxy server, your actual IP address gets replaced by the proxy IP address.
  • Security Shield: Proxy servers can filter out malicious web traffic and prevent direct attacks by inspecting the data packets that pass through the proxy server. Without a proxy server, attackers may get easy access to your IP address, which they can use to attack your network. Regarding security concerns, rotating proxies can improve level of security and anonymity by automatically changing the IP address at specified intervals.
  • Content Accessibility: Proxy servers are capable of bypassing geographical restrictions, allowing users to access content from various physical locations around the world. It is particularly useful for accessing digital resources without risking getting flagged or blocked because of regional restrictions. It is also beneficial for testing how your web content is displayed from different countries’ perspectives.

Why You Might Need Your Proxy Server Address

There are several instances where knowing your proxy server address can be essential. That is, particularly when you need to:

  • Configure network settings on a new device.
  • Set up and configure a network.
  • Ensure your proxy settings are secure and private.
  • Troubleshoot issues related to network performance and access.
  • Access restricted web content.

Knowing how to find and use your proxy server address helps you maintain control and actively manage these settings.

Finding Your Proxy Server Address

1. Exploring Your Operating System Settings


In Windows, you can easily access the proxy server details by navigating to Settings > Network & Internet > Proxy.

Accessing proxy settings in Windows

Scrolling down to the Manual proxy setup section will show whether a proxy is in use, its address, and the port details. Additionally, you can simply access these settings by searching for Proxy settings in your Windows search box.

Searching for proxy settings in the search box

Apart from that, you can also search for Internet Options from the Windows search box. This will open up the Internet Properties window, from which you must navigate to the Connections tab. Click the LAN Settings button to open a new window displaying your proxy settings. Read about setting a proxy server in Windows 10.

LAN settings to display your proxy settings


To find the proxy server address on macOS, navigate to System Settings > Network and select the network connection. (Example: Wi-Fi)

Network settings in macOS
Network settings in macOS 2

Click on Details once you select the network connection.

Click on the Proxy menu item. Select a protocol to find the relevant proxy server address and other details. (example: Web proxy (HTTP))

Proxy menu item in macOS


Tofind the proxy settings on Linux, openSettings > Network > Network Proxy.This will open a pop-up window from which you can select eitherAutomaticorManualoptions to view and configure your proxy servers.

Consulting Your Web Browser

For instances where the proxy setting details are managed by the browser instead of the operating system, follow the below steps.

Google Chrome

On Google Chrome, click on the triple dots icon at the top right corner and navigate to Settings from the menu. You can search for Proxy in the search bar of the Settings page, which will display the Open your computer’s proxy settings option. Clicking on it will open up the Windows proxy settings.

Searching for the proxy settings on the Chrome browser

Mozilla Firefox

Click on the menu icon at the top right and navigate to Settings. You can either search for Proxy from the search bar or navigate to the Network Settings section at the bottom of the General tab.

Open the settings to view the Connection Settings window to find the proxy server address.

Viewing the connection settings

Microsoft Edge

Click on the menu icon at the top right corner and open the Settings menu. Under the System and performance section, you will find the Open your computer’s proxy settings option for this browser.

3. Contacting Your Network Administrator

If you are on a corporate network or in a workplace setting, proxy settings might be managed centrally. You can obtain the proxy server address and other information from the network administrator or the IT department.

Apart from the above methods, you might also be able to figure out the proxy server addresses by using the network logs. When you are buying a proxy, the provider will display the proxy server details once you log into your account.

Important Considerations When Using a Proxy Server

Even though using proxies comes with a wide range of benefits, some important considerations need your attention:

  • Using a proxy server can have a negative impact on your internet connection, slowing down the browsing speed and performance. So, there is a possibility of experiencing bandwidth issues and delays.
  • In terms of ethical usage, attempting to access unauthorized networks through proxies might violate copyright laws.
  • Some services may have terms restricting the use of proxies to access their content or services. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of and respect these terms to avoid facing penalties and other complications.

In a Nutshell

Finding your proxy server address is essential to enhance your internet experience with security and flexibility. You can use your operating system’s control panel, browser settings, or information from your network administrator to find the configuration details of proxies on your network.

Want to take your proxy experience to the next level? Try Bright Data’s proxy services for free today!

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