How To Set a Proxy in SuperAgent

Learn how to set a proxy in SuperAget in this step by step guide.
10 min read
How To Set a Proxy in Superagent

This SuperAgent proxy guide will cover the following topics:

  • What SuperAgent is and why you need proxies.
  • What the superagent-proxy library is and why it is required. 
  • How to set an HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS proxy in SuperAgent.
  • How to deal with proxy authentication and IP rotation.

What Is SuperAgent and Why Do You Need a Proxy?

SuperAgent is a lightweight and easy-to-use HTTP client for JavaScript applications. Its flexibility makes it a popular library for making HTTP requests on frontend and Node.js applications. It offers many features, such as custom headers, configurations, and cookies.

Why do you want a SuperAgent proxy? Because it allows you to protect your online identity and achieve your goals anonymously. By forwarding your requests through a proxy server, you can hide your IP address, making it more difficult for the target server to identify and block you. This additional layer of confidentiality helps avoid IP bans or restrictions. 

Note that you can achieve the same result with Node Fetch, as explained in our node-fetch proxy guide, and Axios, as covered in our Axios proxy tutorial.

What Is superagent-proxy?

SuperAgent does not support proxies natively. Considering how important proxy support is, the community fixed that with superagent-proxy. That npm package extends the superagent Request class with a proxy(uri) function to set an HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS proxy. In other words, superagent-proxy enables you to proxy HTTP requests through a specified proxy.

Behind the scenes, the library is powered by the Proxy Agents project, which offers http.Agent implementations to set proxies in different protocols.

Setting a Proxy in SuperAgent Through superagent-proxy

In this step-by-step section, you will learn how to set an HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS proxy in SuperAgent.


Suppose you have a Node.js project in place. First, add the superagent and superagent-proxy npm packages to your project’s dependencies with:

npm install superagent superagent-proxy

In your Node.js script file, import the superagent function and extend it with superagent-proxy:

const superagent = require("superagent");

// extend the Request class from SuperAgent

// with the proxy() method


Or if you are an ESM user:

import superagent from "superagent";

import superagentProxy from "superagent-proxy";

// extend the Request class from SuperAgent

// with the proxy() method


Perfect! You are ready to follow the SuperAgent proxy guide!


This is the URL syntax of an HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy:


Specifically, the parameters are:

  • <PROXY_PROTOCOL>:  “http” for HTTP proxies, “https” for HTTPS proxies, and ”socks,” “socks4,” “socks5” for proxies in the different SOCKS protocols. When omitted, it usually defaults to “http.”
  • <PROXY_HOST>: The IP of the proxy server or its domain.
  • <PROXY_PORT>: The port the proxy server listens to.

For example, assume this is the URL of your HTTP proxy:


You can use a proxy in SuperAgent as below:

try {

    const proxyURL = "";

    const response = await superagent



    // retrieve the JSON response from the request

    // and print it

    const jsonResponse = JSON.stringify(response.body);


} catch (e) {



Or if you prefer a Promise-based approach:

const proxyURL = "";




    .end((err, res) => {

        if (err) {


        } else {

            const jsonResponse = JSON.stringify(res.body);




As you can see, all you have to do is pass the proxy URL to the proxy() method provided by superagent-proxy. SuperAgent will now perform the request to the URL passed as a parameter to get() through the HTTP proxy server specified in proxyURL.

Let’s verify that the above SuperAgent proxy approach works in a complete example! 

Complete Example

If you do not have the URL of a proxy server, you can get one online. Consider this one:

That is an HTTP proxy, but keep in mind that the example you are about to see also works with HTTPS or SOCKS proxies

To verify SuperAgent routes the requests through the specified proxy, we will target the /ip endpoint from the HTTPBin project. That public API returns the IP of the incoming request. Thus, if everything works as expected, the HTTPBin API should respond with the IP of the proxy server.

Here is what the complete JavaScript snippet looks like:

const superagent = require("superagent");


async function makeProxyRequest() {

    try {

        const proxyURL = "";

        const response = await superagent



        const jsonResponse = JSON.stringify(response.body);


    } catch (e) {





Execute the script, and it should print:

{ "origin": "" }

Fantastic! That is the IP of the proxy server, which means that the approach works as intended! 

Note that the wording was intentional. “Should print” and not “will print” because free proxies have such a short lifespan that by the time you read this article, the selected proxy will no longer work.

Using free proxies retrieved online is okay for learning purposes, but you cannot trust them in a real-world scenario. Why? Because free proxy services are slow, error-prone, unreliable, data-hungry and short-lived. Make your life easier and avoid them altogether!

How to address that issue? With the premium proxies provided by Bright Data, the best proxy provider in the market. Create an account and try our reliable proxies for free!

SuperAgent Proxy: Advanced Use Cases

You know the basics of SuperAgent proxy integration, but what about more complex techniques? Follow the chapters below and become a superagent-proxy expert.

Setting Proxies Globally Via Environment Variables?

SuperAgent does not support global configurations but do not forget that superagent-proxy uses proxy-agent under the hood. There are two ways the proxy-agent package determines which proxy to use:

  1. It uses the URL passed as a parameter.
  2. It reads the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables as defined in the proxy-from-env module. 

You can therefore configure a proxy globally in SuperAgent by setting the envs below:

  • HTTP_PROXY: The URL of the proxy server to use for HTTP requests.
  • HTTPS_PROXY: The URL of the proxy server to use for HTTPS requests.

For example, set them on Linux or macOS with the following commands:



Then, call the proxy() method with no parameters:




    // ...

Great! SuperAgent will use the proxies specified in the environment variables for each request.

Follow the link to learn more, as the same mechanism also works with proxies in cURL.

Proxy Authentication in superagent-proxy

Proxy providers protect their servers with authentication. That way, only users with a valid pair of credentials will be able to access their proxy servers. Trying to connect to an authenticated proxy without a username and password will fail with a 407 Proxy Authentication Required HTTP error.

This is the syntax of the URL of an authenticated proxy:


It is just like the URL of a regular proxy, but it also involves a <USERNAME> and a <PASSWORD>.

To better understand how this mechanism works, consider an example. Suppose the string below is the URL to connect to an authenticated proxy:

http://admin:[email protected]:8080

The fields of the URL would be: 

  • <PROTOCOL>: http
  • <USERNAME>: admin 
  • <PASSWORD>: pK5io86NWp56l9sju7
  • <HOST>:
  • <PORT>: 8080

Given that, there are two ways to deal with proxy authentication in SuperAgent:

  1. Specify the credentials directly in the proxy URL:
const proxyURL = "http://admin:[email protected]:8080"




    // ...
  1. Set the username and password attributes in a url-parse-like object:



         protocol: "http",

         host: "",

         port: "8080",

         username: "admin",

         password: "pK5io86NWp56l9sju7"


Awesome! SuperAgent proxy authentication is no longer a secret.

Rotating Proxies in SuperAgent

If you rely on the same proxy server over and over again, there is a risk of the target site blocking its IP address. To avoid this issue, it is crucial to ensure that each request originates from a distinct proxy server. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Populate a list of proxy URLs.
  2. Randomly choose a proxy URL before each request.
  3. Configure the picked proxy URL in SuperAgent.

However, managing this logic before each HTTP request is tedious. Plus, it requires access to a pool of reliable proxy servers, which comes with a cost. Luckily, Bright Data offers a solution! Its rotating proxies automatically change the exit IP addresses at each request! These proxies ensure fresh IP addresses with each connection, are available in 195 countries, boast exceptional network uptime, and guarantee a success rate of 99.9%.

Follow the next chapter to learn how to get started with Bright Data’s rotating proxies in SuperAgent.

Integrating SuperAgent with a Bright Data Proxy

Bright Data controls the best proxy servers in the world, serving Fortune 500 companies and over 20,000 customers. Its worldwide proxy network involves:

Overall, this is one of the largest and most reliable proxy networks available. Let’s now see how to integrate Bright Data’s proxies in SuperAgent.

If you already have an account, log in to Bright Data. Otherwise, create an account for free. You will gain access to the following user dashboard:

Click the “View proxy products” button:

You will access the “Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure” page below:

Scroll down, find the the “Datacenter proxies” card, and click on the “Get started” button:

You will reach the datacenter proxy configuration dashboard. Give your solution a unique name and set up the proxy service based on your needs. If you have any doubts about how to configure the proxy, please feel free to contact the 24/7 support. Then, press “Add.” 

Finally, you will get access to your proxy’s hostname, port, username, and password as below:

Note that the “Host” field already includes the port.

That is all you need to build the proxy URL and use it in SuperAgent. Put all the information together, and build a URL with the following syntax:


For example, in this case it would be:

Your SuperAgent proxy snippet for Bright Data integration will look like as follows:

const superagent = require("superagent");

async function makeBrightDataProxyRequest() {
    try {
        const proxyURL = "";
        const response = await superagent

        const jsonResponse = JSON.stringify(response.body);
    } catch (e) {



In this SuperAgent proxy tutorial, you saw why you should use proxies and how to do it with superagent-proxy. You now know how to set up an HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS proxy in SuperAgent, the powerful JavaScript HTTP client library. As proved here, that takes only a couple of lines of code!

Thanks to this guide, you also understood why you should never use free proxy services and instead prefer reliable proxy servers from the best provider on the market, Bright Data. The integration procedure in SuperAgent is the same, but the benefits of premium proxies are endless!