David Wang

Senior Data Engineer at Reejig
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Reejig is a leading workforce intelligence platform that enables large scale organizations to find, retain, and skill talent at scale. 

Powered by the world’s first independently audited ethical AI, we create a central nervous system for all talent decisions – ensuring there is zero wasted potential in people, business and society.

We work with some of the world’s largest and most complex organizations, including Woolworths, AWS, KPMG, Allianz, and the NSW Government. 

Our platform marries data from a client’s internal people systems with public web data sets to give organizations 100% visibility over their talent ecosystem. Our independently audited ethical AI creates a full skills taxonomy of their talent population as well as automated talent profiles for current employees, previous  applicants, contingent workers, interns and alumni.

This living, breathing data set becomes a central nervous system for talent – a Workforce Intelligence Platform – that allows companies to hire better and faster, reskill and upskill their employees based on the business objectives, and retain their talent by providing meaningful internal career paths for personal growth.

At its core, Reejig is powered by data. We ingest data from all possible internal and public sources including a client’s ATS, CRM, HRIS, and LMS etc. as well as public professional web data. 

On the public data front, we gather relevant data from publicly available sources such as job boards and other online platforms, focusing on public web data points such as resumes, job descriptions, skills, passions, educational history, work experience, current role, etc.

We collect public web data at scale using Bright Data’s Web Scraper IDE as well as its Residential and Datacenter networks. We have a great partnership with Bright Data, their system is stable and reliable, and our account manager is always available and very responsive.

The Web Scraper IDE, in particular, is extremely helpful in collecting the relevant public web data we require and saves us time since we don’t have to do any configuration and we can scale up very quickly and easily.

Moving forward, we plan to invest in the partnership with Bright Data and increase our usage as we get more customers and expand.

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