Man sitting, smiling, brick wall background.

Lenilson Porath

CTO at Effecti
A Conversation with Lenilson Porath - CTO, Effecti

Effecti’s mission is to help Brazilian companies who want to work with the government to simplify and improve the bidding process for government tenders through innovative public data collection solutions. We aim to do this by saving them time and creating new business opportunities, through the provision of automation tools for the collection of public web data, giving them the competitive edge over their competing bidders.

Brazil is an enormous, continental country with 1000s of government agencies, at state and federal levels, that buy supplies daily. We help our customers handle the huge task of sifting through enormous amounts of public web data, leading them to successful bids on the tenders offered by the Brazilian government.

We are a B2B company with a SaaS model. We have over 1500 customers that range from small, medium, and enterprise businesses. Our customers include: Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Claro, Medi-Globe, Eppendorf, Qiagen, Grupo WT, and Oncovit to name a few.  

Brazil works with a ‘reverse bidding system’ – a type of bidding in which these sellers bid for the prices at which they are willing to sell their goods and services. Sellers, in this case, our clients, place bids for the amount they are willing to be paid for the goods or services. At the end of the bidding process, the seller with the lowest amount wins the government contract.

We utilize public web data to simplify this complex process. Starting with market research data or competitors’ data, to provide them with an interface where they can analyze their competitors and their sectors. We are also able to track the regions that these competitors are strong in and what their product lines include. Most importantly, we can inform our customers where new bidding opportunities are. This helps them expand their business and improve their sales pipeline.

For example, if a customer sells balls, he has to manually search and sort through all websites, portals, or wherever opportunities are published, to find the ones that are relevant. We automate this process for our customers; we collect, process, and store all public tendering opportunities found on the internet and only deliver the deals or possible contracts that match our customers’ services or product lines. In this example, balls. We collect thousands of these opportunities for our customers every day.

The second area where we help our customers is by automating the lengthy process of filling out the government bidding forms. The market is very heterogeneous and there are thousands of different kinds of portals, and bidders have to fill in forms in order to participate in the tendering process. They need to enter their product description, the brand, item numbers, stock availability, prices, and more. Our solution automates the form-filling process. We connect to their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and get their inventory details directly from them into our user interface. We then send the data directly to the government portal for them.

The third service we offer our customers is an automated bidding system. All their competitors are online – so for example: competitor A puts up a price of $9, our system then reacts to that price and puts it at $8.80, and so on. Our system keeps reacting until we get to the lowest price. We offer our customers the ability to scale more than one of these processes at a time, without the need to dedicate more people or resources.

We are using Bright Data’s extensive network to help us collect all these publicly available data points to support our customers.

Where Bright Data really adds value is when some websites put a mechanism to slow down public web data collection, but we are able to overcome that by using Bright Data’s extensive network.

The main benefit of having a partner like Bright Data is saving time for our customers. With our solution, they don’t need to spend unnecessary time entering into the government portals manually every day just to check for messages during the bidding process. They can count on Effecti to handle the transactions in these portals for them.

The ability to overcome some of the challenges we face when collecting public web data, for example blocking, is something unique to Bright Data which I couldn’t find in any competitors’ offerings.

Bright Data’s platform has proven to be successful and we are able to achieve our goals with it. Now we are looking to see if we can expand our offering with additional Bright Data solutions. 

Looking ahead, we see that everything is moving to the internet, everything is moving to the digital area of data. And it’s kind of impossible for humans to collect all this public database and analyze it manually. 

We rely on automation for web data collection. In terms of data adoption, the private sector is a lot faster than the public sector here in Brazil. Currently, there is a gap between the data that is available to the public, and what is required for business needs. 

Due to this digital acceleration, which really took off in the past 2 years, many companies are putting more security measures on their websites because everybody is so thirsty for data. 

Public web data can definitely provide a competitive advantage –  if our customers have the right data, they can offer better prices, and sell at a better price to the government. Ultimately, positively impacting their bottom line. 

Working with Bright Data has been an amazing experience. Our account manager is a perfect partner. He helps us in every aspect, is always available and attentive, and always takes our solutions forward to make us and our customers even more successful.

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