How to find a job you love – Glassdoor dataset analysis

Leveraging Bright Data’s Glassdoor dataset insights: The power of diversity, work-life balance, and employee well-being in fostering job satisfaction and success
8 min read
How to Find a Job You Love

In today’s job market conditions, finding a job you truly love may seem like an elusive goal. However, it is possible to navigate these challenging times and discover a career path that brings you fulfillment and satisfaction. In this article, we will explore practical strategies and insightful tips to help you find a job you love, even in today’s times of uncertainty. These insights are backed by analytics from Glassdoor, collected via Bright Data’s Glassdoor dataset.


Firstly, it’s essential to consider where your potential job is likely to be, and where you might want to live. The United States has a diverse range of industries that span technology, finance, healthcare, entertainment, and more. Its dynamic business landscape attracts professionals from around the world, offering a multitude of job opportunities across different sectors. Additionally, Canada is known for its strong economy, welcoming immigration policies, and vibrant job market, making it an attractive destination for job seekers. Particularly, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Toronto are leading the charge.

The concentration of jobs in North America can be attributed to several factors, including the region’s large consumer market, technological advancements, access to capital, and favorable business environments. The presence of renowned universities, research institutions, and innovation hubs also contributes to the concentration of job opportunities in the region. In fact, although workers claim there’s not enough jobs there, the employers are saying there’s too few skilled workers.

Companies by region

However, it’s worth noting that job markets are not limited to North America alone. The global economy is interconnected, and emerging markets in Asia, Europe, and other regions are witnessing significant growth and offering promising career prospects. Many multinational companies have expanded their operations and established offices in different parts of the world, creating employment opportunities outside of North America.

With advancements in technology and the rise of remote work, the geographical boundaries of the job market are becoming less restrictive. Remote and flexible work arrangements have opened up opportunities for professionals to work for companies based in North America or elsewhere while residing in different parts of the world.

It’s Not Just Google

Tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and other industry leaders often capture our attention with their prominent positions and global influence. These companies boast extensive resources, innovative projects, and attractive employee benefits. Positions within these organizations can offer a platform for personal and professional growth, with diverse opportunities to collaborate with brilliant minds. 

However, it’s essential to recognize that competition for these roles can be fierce, and the selection process rigorous. It requires a strategic approach to stand out among other qualified candidates. While pursuing opportunities at tech giants is certainly worthwhile, it’s crucial to keep an open mind and explore additional avenues.

Furthermore, according to analytics from Glassdoor’s datasets, there’s only a slight boost in the average ratings for the larger companies.

Company rating

Employee feedback suggests that although the “perks” are superior, the added stress takes away from the enjoyment they would otherwise have.

Beyond the limelight of tech giants, lies the world of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These companies form the backbone of many industries and provide unique advantages for job seekers. SMEs often foster a close-knit work environment that enables employees to make a significant impact and take on diverse responsibilities. With fewer hierarchical layers, you have the opportunity to directly contribute to the organization’s growth and witness the tangible outcomes of your efforts.

Furthermore, SMEs often offer greater flexibility, allowing employees to explore various roles and gain a broader skill set. Embracing opportunities within SMEs can provide a valuable learning experience and enhance your professional development. And the Glassdoor data shows that there’s very few companies with many employees, while hundreds of thousands of companies have a small number of them.

Company size distribution

For those seeking an even more dynamic and unconventional path, startups and entrepreneurship present exciting possibilities. Joining a startup allows you to be part of an innovative and fast-paced environment, where creativity flourishes, and novel ideas are welcomed.

Startups often offer a unique level of autonomy and the chance to make a direct impact from day one. However, it’s crucial to note that startups come with inherent risks and uncertainties. They require individuals who are willing to embrace challenges and thrive in an ever-changing landscape. For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, starting your own venture allows you to create a job you truly love, built on your passion and vision. It offers the freedom to shape your career path and pursue meaningful work on your terms.

Public or Private?

When considering career options, the choice between public and private jobs often arises. Both sectors offer distinct advantages that can shape your professional path and influence your job satisfaction.

Public and private jobs offer unique advantages that can influence your career decisions. Public jobs provide stability and job security, as government entities and public institutions often have established systems in place, minimizing the risk of sudden layoffs. These jobs often come with competitive compensation packages, comprehensive benefits, and a focus on work-life balance. Public sector roles can also offer attractive pension and retirement plans, ensuring long-term financial security.

On the other hand, private jobs present entrepreneurial opportunities and a potential for higher earning potential. In the private sector, particularly within startups and entrepreneurial ventures, employees have the chance to be innovative, creative, and make a direct impact on a company’s growth.

Private jobs often come with performance-based incentives, such as bonuses and stock options, rewarding individuals for their achievements. The private sector offers accelerated career advancement opportunities, allowing employees to climb the corporate ladder more rapidly and explore diverse industries. Additionally, private companies are often more flexible and adaptable to changing market demands, providing employees with the chance to learn new skills and explore different career paths within the same organization.

And according to Glassdoor’s data, there’s no evidence that private vs public jobs are rated so differently overall (the ratings are out of 5).

Overall rating

The same cannot be said about jobs in schools, however. Positions in schools receive high ratings due to the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on students’ lives, the sense of community and collaboration among staff, the emphasis on professional growth and development, and the favorable work-life balance and stability they offer.

Companies are all Good, or all Bad (for the most part)

As derived from Glassdoor’s datasets, there is a high correlation (large numbers shown in the figure) between various factors, such as diversity and inclusion, work-life balance, and other aspects within companies, which suggests that companies as a whole can be categorized as either good or bad in terms of these aspects. These factors are interconnected and can significantly influence the overall work environment and employee satisfaction.

Correlation heatmap

Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion create a culture where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered. By fostering a diverse workforce, companies benefit from a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, leading to innovation and improved decision-making.

Moreover, inclusive practices promote equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their background, fostering a sense of belonging and enhancing overall job satisfaction. Companies that prioritize work-life balance understand the importance of allowing employees to have time for personal pursuits, family commitments, and self-care.

Furthermore, companies that prioritize employee well-being tend to address other aspects such as fair compensation, career development opportunities, and a positive work environment. They recognize the importance of providing competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain top talent. These companies invest in employee growth and development by offering training programs, mentorship, and advancement opportunities. Additionally, they foster a positive work environment by promoting open communication, respect, and recognition, creating a supportive and motivating atmosphere for employees.

However, it’s important to note that companies can vary in their approach and commitment to these aspects. While some companies excel in creating inclusive cultures and promoting work-life balance, others may fall short. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consider multiple factors when evaluating a company’s overall performance in these areas. Every company is unique, and it’s essential to assess how they align with your personal values and priorities.

Although the job market may be uncertain, it is still possible to find a job you love by following these strategies. Remember to reflect on your passions and values, assess your skills, explore different industries, network, upskill, volunteer, and maintain a growth mindset.
By taking these steps and embracing opportunities, you can increase your chances of finding a fulfilling career.

About the Author: Greg Hogg stands at the intersection of AI, digital education, and entrepreneurship. As an insightful Data Scientist, YouTuber and Entrepreneur, he is fuelled by his passion to demystify intricate subjects, transforming them into easily comprehensible learning experiences.”