Highly targeted influencer marketing – Post for Rent

Post for rent logo
Laptop displaying influencer marketing platform with statistics and buttons.

Business impact

  • Matching customers with relevant influencers to promote products
  • Data on the right influencers for highly targeted, revenue-generating campaigns
  • Plan to significantly grow the database and business

About the company

Post for Rent is an online social influencer marketplace (like Airbnb) where they connect brands with the right influencers to promote their products on social media. They act as the ‘middle man’ and deal with all of the invoicing, contracts, etc between the two parties. The company was founded in 2015, with most of its customers in Europe, (but also in the US, Australia, and South Africa.)

The challenge

Post for Rent was challenged in accessing large amounts of public social media data in order to match their customers with relevant influencers to promote their products.

The solution

Post for Rent chose Bright Data‘s Data Center IPs and Residential IPs in order to gain access to the public social media data necessary to provide their customers with the most suitable influencers for successful campaigns. The types of online data they gather include the hashtags certain influencers use, the field they’re in, and details about their follower base.

The outcome

With access to the right kind of public social media data, Post for Rent is able to provide its customers with the best service and the right influencers for highly targeted, revenue-generating campaigns. The company is now planning on doubling its influencer database with the help of Bright Data’s platform.

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