How To Generate A Random IP Address For Every One Of Your Sessions

This article will show you a variety of ways in which you can utilize random IPs, how this can be leveraged in your business, and how IP location can have a big impact on companies in the eCommerce, retail, and travel industries.
3 min read
Random IP address generated all over the globe via a rotating proxy server

There are 4 main methods for you to generate random IP addresses:

  • Option #1: Passively relying on your ISP Having your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assign a new IP for outbound traffic each time an internet connection is lost.
  • Option #2: Rotating IPs that have been pre-configured – In this case scenario you would define specific intervals when you would want a new IP address to be assigned to specific users.
  • Option #3: Leveraging Burst IPs rotation Typically, IPs addresses are rotated based on a predefined number of connections. A good example of this would be that every time 49 connections are established, number 50 will continue activity from a different pool of IPs.
  • Option #4: Using a rotating proxy service A rotating proxy server provides advantages such as changing your GEO location, device (mobile/desktop), ASN, and other factors that can give you the upper hand.

Why would you want to generate random IP addresses?

When using a proxy network, IP rotation can specifically help companies better manage and improve performance by serving as:

A business intelligence tool assisting in data mining and scraping in order to achieve a variety of performance analytics and metrics.

A tool for qualitative and quantitative research when businesses are observing different variations (market/behavioral/social).

A way to deflect geotargeting and price tracking by other corporate entities.

The relationship between IP location and access to reliable data

Geolocation services are used in a wide range of industries such as eCommerce, retail, travel, banking, telecommunications, hospitality, entertainment, and law enforcement. The location of a customer and supplier is extremely important in terms of price and offers displayed, among others.

Banks do their utmost to prevent “phishing” attacks, money laundering and other security breaches by identifying the user’s location as part of the authentication, and compliance process. In addition, geolocation services protect banks from transferring funds for illicit purposes.

IP address geolocation can be used in online fraud detection and prevention by companies that sell goods online, and companies that handle online payments, for example.

When processing a transaction, a company may want to compare the client’s billing address, shipping address, cross-referencing with the order IP address. If a shopper is discovered to be located in China, the shipping address in the US, and the IP of origin is in Azerbaijan, that could potentially raise a red flag. In that case, it is recommended to use a US IP to avoid potential blockages and IP bans. Interested in learning more about bypassing IP bans? Click here.

Summing it up

When it comes to gaining access to random IP addresses or IP rotation, users have plenty of tools at their disposal. Many of the options mentioned in this article may be a good fix for small-scale operations or one-off attempts. But for medium to large scale businesses who need to consistently use and rotate random IP addresses, the most powerful and efficient option is a rotating proxy network.

What you get by joining Bright Data’s proxy network:

  1. Your own personal Bright Data representative to set-up your account
  2. Access to the largest residential proxy network in the world
  3. 24/7 support no matter where you are
  4. We will match your first deposit of $20-250!

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