The Ultimate Guide To Buying Proxies

Guide to help you navigate through the various proxy types, what they are and buy IPs that are suitable for you
8 min read
Proxy buying guide

You know you need to buy a proxy or an IP, but what does that mean and why? Do I require a public IP, dedicated IP, static IP, country IP, a cheap IP, residential IP – the list goes on and with each IP type comes pros and cons.

If you want to buy IPs, this guide is here to help you navigate through the various proxy types, explain what they are and how to buy IPs that are suitable for you – so let’s dive in.

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What is a Public IP Address?

Similar to a mailing address, a public IP address allows requests to be sent from your computer with a return address so sites can respond to you.
Requests basically ask a site to show its homepage and product offerings and the site responds by providing the information.
The IP address itself relays information about the user in regards to the country the request is coming from and other relevant details to ensure the right language and pricing are displayed. When buying an IP you are technically leasing it from one of three sources an ISP (internet service provider), proxy provider or data center farm.

Why Buy an IP Address from a Specific Country?

The most common reason is due to geoblocking, which is when sites use the IPs geographical location to limit specific internet content.
If you are looking to compare proxies prices in different countries, are trying to conduct accurate market research, want to test your site from other parts of the world and more, you would be required to buy an IP address from the specific country of interest. However, if you need to verify advertisements or something that is more sensitive to location, then it would be in your interest to purchase city-specific IPs.
If you are looking to buy a specific country IP, Bright Data is the only proxy network in the world to offer residential IP’s in every country and every major city around the world. Our network covers 195 countries and over 26,000 cities.

How Can You Buy an IP Address?

It is easy to buy an IP from multiple sources. A residential IP can be purchased from an ISP such as AT&T, Xfinity or Verizon, a proxy service such as Bright Data offering multiple IP types, or a datacenter IP – a machine-generated IP purchased from a data center farm.
This connection, when derived from an ISP, is referred to as a residential IP and ISP’s tend to impose limitations in terms of one IP per household.
This IP cannot be changed or rotated for another using the ISP service provider. Lastly, an IP address can also be acquired through your cell phone service provider, this 3G/4G connection is referred to as a mobile IP.

Proxy services commonly have multiple product offerings including many IP types. Proxy providers differ in the types of IPs they offer, the number of IPs available and types of the settings they provide.
It is important to find a reputable provider to guarantee the quality of the IP addresses purchased, so read reviews about proxy services before making a decision.

What is a Dedicated IP Address?

A dedicated IP address is a unique internet protocol IP address. It is an IP that can be used for hosting an account or website.
A dedicated IP allows you to do more with your server such as host your own SSL certificate and offer more security as this IP is used exclusively by you.
This provides the ability to control the traffic entering the site and maintain a high level of performance which is necessary with high-volume traffic domains.
Dedicated IP addresses are also used for FTP or File Transfer Protocol which allows clients to download files from the server.

Why Buy Static IPs?

A static IP is an IP address that does not rotate. A static IP is needed when devices such as a server, printer or wireless camera are connected to it. These IPs are useful for managing accounts or filling out forms where an IP rotating can cause issues.

The alternative is a rotating proxy also referred to as a dynamic IP and will rotate between IP addresses based on specific parameters such as a certain number of requests, a certain time frame or both.

How to Buy a Residential IP

Residential IPs are leased from an ISP and are the same IP type as the one you most likely use at home, where you call a service provider and pay a monthly subscription fee.
These IPs are the strongest type of IP as they have all the characteristics of a real IP. When purchasing a residential IP the reputation of your proxy provider is important as how they acquired the IPs is directly related to their performance and legality. Begin by choosing the specific location you require and if the provider offers them. Then consider how many IPs you require and the overall bandwidth you may need.
Most residential packages due to their continuous rotation do not charge by IP but by overall bandwidth used.
If you want to buy a Residential IP, we provide the most advanced residential proxy service offering the fastest and largest real-peer IP network in the world.

How to Buy a Static residential IP

A static residential IP is a non-rotating IP, leased from an ISP for commercial use.
Residential networks naturally rotate as they are providing access to existing user’s IP addresses.
When the owner accesses their IP, the IP will automatically rotate.
A static residential IP does not rotate as it is owned solely by you and is an IP that is not being used by a real owner like its rotating residential counterpart.
Static IPs are perfect for account management or when you want to make a purchase or fill out a form due to their static nature.
Static IPs are normally purchased per IP and specific targeting options may come with a price per gigabyte as well.

How to Buy a Mobile IP

A mobile IP is a 3G/4G connection or how your phone connects to the internet when you are not on wifi.
These IPs are needed for actions that are mobile-specific such as accessing popular applications, verifying mobile advertisements and ensuring the performance of online assets on a mobile interface.
To purchase a mobile IP, begin by finding a mobile provider with your country and geo of interest.
Next, if you require 3G or 4G specifically, ensure these options are available.
Mobile IPs can be offered with carrier targeting.
If this is a desired feature, make sure the provider offers the specific carriers you need. Mobile IPs, similar to residential IPs, are normally offered in a rotating network, meaning they are charged by bandwidth and not per IP.

How to Buy a country Specific IP

Location-based limitations are commonplace on the internet and this is where country and city IPs dominate. To purchase one, first find a reputable dealer to guarantee the IP is derived from your location of interest. IPs can be provided with country, city and even carrier resolutions.

You want to make sure your provider offers the specific targeting you require and the locations you need.
Make sure to clarify if the provider has not only the location but also the IP type you need in that location.
Confirm the availability of these IPs and check how they are priced. Is it in your interest to pay by bandwidth with endless rotation? Or is it more suitable for you to purchase one IP with unlimited bandwidth?

Once you understand the basics of IPs and how they work it is easy to figure out what you need. If you are still unsure of the type of proxy you require, speak to a proxy expert who can understand what you are trying to accomplish and provide the best solution for you and your budget.

What you get by joining Bright Data’s proxy network:

  1. Your own personal Bright Data representative to set-up your account
  2. Access to the largest residential proxy network in the world
  3. 24/7 support no matter where you are


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