Test Your Company’s Website From Every City In The World

If you responsible on a website, you sometimes need to test it from a city level and not only country level
2 min read
infographic explaining residential IPs used in different locations all checking out the same website from different geographic zones

You’re responsible for your company’s website, which is available in different languages and is accessed by people located in different locations. Every day you test the website from different countries, using a network of different proxy types to ensure that all of the pages and objects, such as copy, images, videos, and links, appear as they’re supposed to.

One morning, management informs you that people in Germany have been complaining that the site is not loading properly.

How is that possible? You’ve been testing your website from Germany, as well, and you did not experience such an issue. The answer, you soon find out, is that the proxy network you’re using allows you to access the site through a server from Hamburg, while the complaints have been coming from Cologne.

How can you avoid this problem?

Most self-testing services rely on traditional proxy networks, which allow you to test your website from remote locations. These proxies rely on a network of IPs, typically located in about 30 countries. When testing your website through these servers, not only are you limited in the selection of countries, but you can also not access it from specific cities.

That’s why, even if you’re testing your site in Germany, you cannot be aware of the issues that people are experiencing in Cologne!

However, if the testing process occurs through a network of residential computers (IPs) located in every city in the world, the fear of failing the test vanishes.

The Bright Data network is a global peer-to-peer proxy network and is helping testing services perform website testing with proxies by providing access from millions of residential IPs. You can now test your website from any country and every city. This is a great tool for testing your website, and also for testing local services that you may be offering, in order to see how they are provided in every city.

The importance of regular self-testing needs no explanation; thus, it’s also important to do it using a technology that allows for thorough, accurate testing. Thanks to Bright Data, companies can regain total control of their own websites.