Say goodbye to blocks, restrictions, and captchas

Introducing our Award-Winning Web Unlocker

  • Only pay for successful requests
  • Bypass bot detection systems
  • Automated IP address rotation
  • Unlimited concurrent requests
  • Detect & avoid honeypot traps

How Web Unlocker optimizes your request’s journey

Why developers love Web Unlocker

Save time and resources with an automated tool that determines each website’s user-agents

Bots develop new ways to block you. Web Unlocker adjusts in real-time to stay undetected

Many websites restrict you from data collection with captchas. Web Unlocker’s machine-learning algorithms immediately solve them

Web Unlocker uses either a datacenter or residential IP address to constantly bypass bot detection systems

Web Unlocker vs Self-managed Proxies

Web Unlocker
Self-managed Proxies
Integration method
Super proxy, Proxy Manager
Super proxy, Proxy Manager
Worldwide geo coverage
Unlimited concurrent connections
Automated unblocking
CAPTCHA solving
Handling target sites markup changes
Auto retry mechanism
Results parsing for chosen domains
Asynchronous requests for chosen domains

The immediate advantages of Web Unlocker

  • Put an end to restrictions by the biggest websites
  • Only pay for successful requests that get your data
  • Stay undetectable with an expanding repository of site-specific browser cookies, HTTP header requests, and emulated devices
  • Gather web data in real-time with unlimited concurrent requests
  • Scale up using a 72+ million IP proxy network with 5 million new IPs each month from 195 countries

How it works


Select the site you want to unlock


Make a simple proxy request with the site URL


Never get blocked again

Web Unlocker automatically develops new methods to keep websites
open to data collection at all times

Limits requests per IP

Manage IP usage rates so you don’t ask for a suspicious amount of data from any one IP

Emulates a real user

Automated user emulation including: starting on the target’s homepage, clicking their links, & making human mouse movements

Imitates the right devices

Web Unlocker emulates the right devices that servers expect to see

Calibrates referrer header

Makes sure the target website sees that you are landing on their page from a popular website

Identifies honeypots

Honeypots are links that sites use to expose your crawlers. Automatically detect them and avoid their trap

Sets intervals between requests

Automated delays are randomly set between requests

Unlock any website in seconds with the
world's #1 unblocking tool

A Web Unlocker Use Case

An international electronics retailer needs to collect product pricing
data from its competitor’s websites


Target sites detected their scraper

Things were going great until their competitors started using advanced bot detection software, detecting their web scraper. The competitor fed them misleading information, and as a result, products were priced at a competitive disadvantage.


Proxies weren’t enough

Masking their IP address wasn’t enough and finding the right browser configurations to bypass their competitor’s sites would cost them too much time and money.


Web Unlocker made them undetectable

Web Unlocker could do all the work for them. After a quick installation, they told the unlocker which URLs they wanted to see and their scrapers were able to collect the accurate pricing data. They fixed all the false data they collected, corrected their prices for certain products, and became more competitive than ever. Web Unlocker saved their development team a massive amount of time while expanding their data collection.

Automate your website unlocking and save time and resources